Japanese Telecommunications Satellites JAPANESE


Intelsat 2B
Japan is a one of earliest perticipants
(Japan, 1967, SC#904)


Communications Satellite(CS)and the Earth Station
It was called "SAKURA(Cherry Brossom)".
Later Nippon Telephon and Telegraph Company(NTT) operates "NSTAR", but now these satellites are already not operationa, except NTT Docomo's NSTAR-c which is being operated by JSAT.


Direct Broadcasting Satellite (BS)
It was called "YURI(Lily)".「
Now Nippon Hoso Kyoka (NHK) operates "BSAT".
(Japan,1992,Partialy zoomed SC#2135 rotated 60 degrees)

Communication and Broadcasting Engeneering Test Satellite "COMETS"(KAKEHASHI)

COMETS failed to reach geosynchoronous orbit, but several engeneering tests were executed.
"KAKEHASHI" means a bridge between Earth and Space.


JAXA has developed and launched Data Relay Test Satellite (DRTS) in 2006 and WINDS (Kizuna) in 2008.
Commercial Telecommunications Satellites are operated by JSAT, which is World 5th revenue. See International Satellite Telecommunication

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