Space Development of Italy JAPANESE

Italian Space Agency (ASI) leads space development activities of Italy.
Italy has launched 94 satellites till 2024. (See Table)

1.Space Science

Italian AGILE Satellite

AGILE is an astronomy satellite. in 2007, it was launched by Indian PSLV launch vehicle.
This stamp commemorates 400th anniversary of first astronomy observetion using telescope by Galileo.
International designation : 2007-013A 
AGILE=Astro-rivelatore Gamma a Immagini LEggero

(Italy, 2009)

2. Engineering development

San Marco Satellite

First Italian satellite. Totally 4 San Marcosatellites were launched during 1964-74.

San Marco 1 : 1964-084A

(Poland, 1966, SC#1472)

2. Communications SSatellite
フレーム Sirio 1


Sirio 2 was Failed to be launched in 1982.


Engineering Satellite Temisat (1993-055B)

(Guyana, 2000)

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