International Astronautical Congress(IAC)

First Congress of International Astronautical Federation (IAF) was held in 1950. 
Hosted City List

1. 7th Congress (Rome)

(Italia, 1956, SC#717)
2.13th Congress (Baruna)


3. 15th Congress (Warsaw)


(Poland, 1964, SC#1266)

4. 16th Congress (Athenes)
 (Greece, 1965, SC#827-29)

5. 17th Congress (Madrid)


(Spain, 1966, SC#1376)

6. 18th Congress (Beoglad)


(Yugoslavia, 1967, SC#886)

7. 26th Congress (Lisbon)

(Portugal, 1975, SC#1263-66)

8. 41th Congress (Dresden)

 30pf City of Dresden
 50pf Earth
 70pf Moon
100pf Mars

German Democratic Republic, 1990, SC#2849-52)

9. 47th Congress (Beijing)

Up : DFH 3(Dong Fang Hong 3)
Bottom : Long March Launch Vehicle

(China, 1996, SC#2731-32)

10. 56th Congress (Fukuoka)

Left:H-2A Launch Vehicle
Right:Himawari 6(MTSAT-1R)

(Japan, 2005)

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