Russian Venus and Comet exploration JAPANESE


USSR launched 16 venus explorer "Venera" and 2 Venus and Comet Halley explorer "VEGA".
Venera 1 (International Designation No. : 1961-003A)

 On 12 Feb. 1961, USSR launched Venera 1 as its 9th spacecraft.
 Left:Molniya launch vehicle
 Right:Venera 1

(USSR, 1961, SC#2456-57)
Venera 3 (1965-092A)


(Romania, 1966,SC#1845)
Venera 4 (1965-092A)

 Launched on June 12, 1967.

(Central Africa, 1968年、SC#C56)
Venera 8 (1972-021A)


(USSR, 1972, SC#4044)
Venera 9 (1975-050A) and Venera 10 (1975-054A)

 Venera 9 was launched on 8 June 1975, and Venera 10 was launched on 14 June 1975.

(USSR, 1975, SC#4392)
Venera 11 (1978-084A) and Venera 12 (1978-086A)

 Venera 11 was launched on 9 Sep. 1978, and Venera 12 was launched on 14 Sep. 1978.

(USSR,1979, SC#4740)

Russian Venus and Comet exploration
Russian Venus and Comet explorer "VEGA"

VEGA 1 (1984-125A)
VEGA 2 (1984-128A)

(Congo people's republic,1986, SC#C353)
There are some other VEGA stamps athalley corner.
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