Satellit list of United Kingdom  
No. Satellit Name Another Intl. Desig. No. Date(GMT) Launch Vehicle Organization Mission Note
1 Ariel 1   1962-015A 1962/4/26 Delta Science Research Council(SRC) Science  
2 Ariel 2   1964-015A 1964/3/27 Scout X-3 SRC Science  
3 Ariel 3 UK 3 1967-042A 1967/5/5 Scout A SRC Science  
4 Skynet 1   1969-101A 1969/11/22 Delta M Ministry of Defence (MOD) Communications GSO
5 Skynet 1B   1970-062A 1970/8/19 Delta M MOD Communications Failed to orbit
Orba   1970-F07 1970/9/2 Black Arrow     Failure
6 Prospero 1   1971-093A 1971/10/28 Black Arrow unknown Engineering  
7 Ariel 4   1971-109A 1971/12/11 Scout B-1 SRC Science  
8 Skynet 2A   1974-002A 1974/1/19 Delta 2313 Ministry of Defence (UK) Communications Failed to orbit
9 Miranda   1974-013A 1974/3/9 Scout D-1 Department of Trade and Industry Engineering  
10 Ariel 5   1974-077A 1974/10/15 Scout B-1 SRC Science  
11 Skynet 2B   1974-094A 1974/11/23 Delta 2313 MOD Communications GSO
12 Ariel 6   1979-047A 1979/6/2 Scout D-1 SRC Science  
13 UoSAT 1 OSCAR 9 1981-100B 1981/10/6 Delta 2310 University of Surrey Communications  
14 UoSAT 2 Oscar 11 1984-021B 1984/3/1 Delta 3920 AMSAT Communications  
15 AMPTE-UKS   1984-088C 1984/8/16 Delta 3924 SERC Science  
16 Skynet 4B   1988-109A 1988/12/11 Ariane 44LP MOD Communications GSO
17 BSB-R1 Sirius W 1989-067A 1989/8/27 デルタ 4925-8 British Satellite Broadcasting Communications GSO
18 Skynet 4A   1990-001A 1990/1/1 Commercial Titan 3 MOD Communications GSO
19 UoSAT-3
(OSCAR 14)
  1990-005B 1990/1/22 Ariane 40 University of Surrey Communications  
20 UoSAT-4
(OSCAR 15)
  1990-005C 1990/1/22 Ariane 40 University of Surrey Communications  
21 BSB-2 Thor-1 1990-074A 1990/8/18 Delta 6925 British Satellite Broadcasting Communications GSO
22 Skynet 4C   1990-079A 1990/8/30 Ariane 44LP MOD Communications GSO
23 Uosat 5   1991-050E 1991/7/17 Ariane 40 University of Surrey Communications  
24 STRV 1A   1994-034B 1994/6/17 Ariane 44LP unknown Engineering  
25 STRV 1B   1994-034C 1994/6/17 Ariane 44LP unknown Engineering  
26 Skynet 4D   1998-002A 1998/1/10 Delta 7925-9.5 MOD Communications GSO
27 Skynet 4E   1999-009B 1999/2/26 Ariane 44L MOD Communications GSO
28 UoSAT-12   1999-021A 1999/4/21 Dnepr unknown Communications  
ICO-F1   2000-F02 2000/3/12 ゼニット 3SL     Failure
29 SNAP 1   2000-033C 2000/6/28 Kosmos 3M unknown Engineering  
30 STRV 1C   2000-072C 2000/11/16 Ariane 5G DERA Engineering  
31 STRV 1D   2000-072D 2000/11/16 Ariane 5G DERA Engineering  
32 Skynet 4F   2001-005B 2001/2/7 Ariane 44L Ministry of Defence (UK) Communications Failed to orbit
33 ICO-F2   2001-026A 2001/6/19 Atlas IIAS New ICO Communications  
34 UK-DMC-1
(BNSCSat 1)
  2003-042E 2003/9/27 Kosmos 3M BNSC Earth Observation  
35 TopSat   2005-043B 2005/10/27 Kosmos 3M BNSC Earth Observation  
36 Skynet-5A    2007-007B 2007/3/11 Ariane 5 ESC-A MOD Communications GSO
37 Skynet 5B   2007-056B 2007/11/14 Ariane 5 ESC-A Paradigm Secure Communications Limited Communications GSO
38 Skynet-5C   2008-030A 2008/6/12 Ariane 5 ESC-A MOD Communications GSO
39 UK-DMC-2   2009-041C 2008/7/29 Dnepr SSTL Earth Observation  
40 HYLAS-1 Highly Flexible Satellite 2010-065B 2010/11/26 Ariane 5 ECA Avanti Communications Group plc Communications GSO
41 HYLAS-2   2012-043B 2012/8/2 Ariane 5 ECA Avanti Communications Group plc Communications GSO
42 Skynet-5D   2012-075A 2012/12/19 Ariane 5ECA MOD Communications GSO
43 STRaND-1   2013-009F 2013/2/25 PSLV Surrey Univ. Engineering  
44 O3b 1   2013-031A 2013/6/25 Soyuz STB Fregat MT O3b Networks Communications  
45 O3b 2   2013-031B 2013/6/25 Soyuz STB Fregat MT O3b Networks Communications  
46 O3b 4   2013-031C 2013/6/25 Soyuz STB Fregat MT O3b Networks Communications  
47 O3b 5   2013-031D 2013/6/25 Soyuz STB Fregat MT O3b Networks Communications  
48 FUNcube 1   2013-066AE 2013/11/21 Dnepr AMSAT-UK Engineering  
49 TechDemoSat 1   2014-037E 2014/7/8 Soyuz 2-1b Fregat SSTL Engineering SSO
50 Ukube-1   2014-037F 2014/7/8 Soyuz 2-1b Fregat UKSA Engineering SSO
51 O3b 3   2014-038A 2014/7/10 Soyuz STB Fregat MT O3b Networks Communications  
52 O3b 6   2014-038B 2014/7/10 Soyuz STB Fregat MT O3b Networks Communications  
53 O3b 7   2014-038C 2014/7/10 Soyuz STB Fregat MT O3b Networks Communications  
54 O3b 8   2014-038D 2014/7/10 Soyuz STB Fregat MT O3b Networks Communications  
55 O3b 9   2014-083A 2014/12/18 Soyuz STB Fregat MT O3b Networks Communications  
56 O3b 10   2014-083B 2014/12/18 Soyuz STB Fregat MT O3b Networks Communications  
57 O3b 11   2014-083C 2014/12/18 Soyuz STB Fregat MT O3b Networks Communications  
58 O3b 12   2014-083D 2014/12/18 Soyuz STB Fregat MT O3b Networks Communications  
59 DMC 3-1   2015-032A 2015/7/10 PSLV SSTL Earth Observation  
60 DMC 3-2   2015-032B 2015/7/10 PSLV SSTL Earth Observation  
61 DMC 3-3   2015-032C 2015/7/10 PSLV SSTL Earth Observation  
62 CBNT 1
(Carbonite 1)
  2015-032D 2015/7/10 PSLV SSTL Engineering  
63 DeorbitSail   2015-032E 2015/7/10 PSLV SSTL Engineering  
64 UCLSat
(QB50 GB03)
  2017-036A 2017/6/23 PSLV MSSL, Univ. College London Engineering  
65 Inflatable Sail
(QB50 GB06)
  2017-036F 2017/6/23 PSLV Univ. of Surrey Engineering  
66 Red Diamond   2017-036U 2017/6/23 PSLV Sky and Space Global Engineering  
67 Green Diamond   2017-036W 2017/6/23 PSLV Sky and Space Global Engineering  
68 Blue Diamond   2017-036X 2017/6/23 PSLV Sky and Space Global Engineering  
69 CBNT 2
(Carbonite 2)
VividX2  2018-004E 2018/1/12 PSLV SSTL Engineering  
70 O3b 13   2018-024B 2018/3/9 Soyuz STB Fregat MT O3b Networks Communications  
71 O3b 14   2018-024D 2018/3/9 Soyuz STB Fregat MT O3b Networks Communications  
72 O3b 15   2018-024A 2018/3/9 Soyuz STB Fregat MT O3b Networks Communications  
73 O3b 16   2018-024C 2018/3/9 Soyuz STB Fregat MT O3b Networks Communications  
74 RemoveDEBRIS   1998-067NT 2018/4/2 Falcon 9 V1.2 SSTL Engineering  
75 DebrisSat 1   1998-067PM 2018/4/2 Falcon 9 V1.2 SSTL Engineering  
76 DebrisSat 2   1998-067PR 2018/4/2 Falcon 9 V1.2 SSTL Engineering  
77 HYLAS-4   2018-033B 2018/4/5 Ariane 5 ECA Avanti Communications Group plc Communications GSO
78 NovaSAR-S   2018-071A 2018/9/16 PSLV SSTL Earth Observation  
79 SSTL-S1 4   2018-071B 2018/9/16 PSLV SSTL Earth Observation  
80 OneWeb 0006   2019-010E 2019/2/27 Soyuz STB Fregat M OneWeb Communications  
81 OneWeb 0007   2019-010D 2019/2/27 Soyuz STB Fregat M OneWeb Communications  
82 OneWeb 0008   2019-010C 2019/2/27 Soyuz STB Fregat M OneWeb Communications  
83 OneWeb 0010   2019-010B 2019/2/27 Soyuz STB Fregat M OneWeb Communications  
84 OneWeb 0011   2019-010F 2019/2/27 Soyuz STB Fregat M OneWeb Communications  
85 OneWeb 0012   2019-010A 2019/2/27 Soyuz STB Fregat M OneWeb Communications  
86 O3b 17   2019-020C 2019/4/4 Soyuz STB Fregat MT O3b Networks Communications  
87 O3b 18   2019-020D 2019/4/4 Soyuz STB Fregat MT O3b Networks Communications  
88 O3b 19   2019-020B 2019/4/4 Soyuz STB Fregat MT O3b Networks Communications  
89 O3b 20   2019-020A 2019/4/4 Soyuz STB Fregat MT O3b Networks Communications  
(IOD 1)
  1998-067QK 2019/4/17 Antares 230 Orbital Micro Systems Engineering  
91 OTB 1   2019-036C 2019/6/25 Falcon Heavy SSTL Engineering  
92 DoT 1   2019-038P 2019/7/5 Soyuz 2-1b Fregat SSTL Engineering  
93 HYLAS-3
  2019-049A 2019/8/6 Ariane 5 ECA Avanti Communications Group plc Communications GSO
94-127 OneWeb L2 1-34   2020-008A〜
2020/2/6 Soyuz 2-1b Fregat OneWeb Communications  
128-161 OneWeb L3 1-34   2020-020A〜
2020/3/21 Soyuz 2-1b Fregat OneWeb Communications  
- Faraday 1   2020-F05 2020/7/4 Electron InSpace Engineering Failure
162 LacunaSat 3   2020-068G 2020/9/28 Soyuz 2-1b Fregat Lacuna Space Engineering  
163-198 OneWeb L4 1-36   2020-100A〜
2020/12/18 Soyuz 2-1b Fregat OneWeb Communications  
199 LacunaSat 2b   2021-022S 2021/3/22 Soyuz 2-1a Fregat Lacuna Space Engineering  
200 Unicorn 1   2021-022? 2021/3/22 Soyuz 2-1a Fregat   Engineering  
201-236 OneWeb L5 1-36   2021-025A〜
2021/3/25 Soyuz 2-1b Fregat OneWeb Communications  
237-272 OneWeb L6 1-36   2021-031A〜
2021/3/25 Soyuz 2-1b Fregat OneWeb Communications  
273-308 OneWeb L7 1-36   2021-045A〜
2021/5/28 Soyuz 2-1b Fregat OneWeb Communications  
309 SOAR   1998-067SL 2021/6/3 Falcon 9 V1.2 Univ. of Manchester Engineering  
310 Faraday Phoenix   2021-059 2021/6/30 Falcon 9 V1.2 InSpace Engineering  
311-346 OneWeb L8 1-36   2021-060A〜
2021/7/1 Soyuz 2-1b Fregat OneWeb Communications  
347-380 OneWeb L9 1-34   2021-075A〜
2021/8/21 Soyuz 2-1b Fregat OneWeb Communications  
381 IOD-AMBER   1998-067 2021/8/29 Falcon 9 V1.2 Catapult Engineering  
382-415 OneWeb L10 1-34   2021-083A〜
2021/9/14 Soyuz 2-1b Fregat OneWeb Communications  
416-451 OneWeb L11 1-36   2021-090A〜
2021/9/14 Soyuz 2-1b Fregat OneWeb Communications  
452-487 OneWeb L12 1-36   2021-132A〜
2021/12/27 Soyuz 2-1b Fregat OneWeb Communications  
488 Unicorn 1   2022-002? 2022/1/13 Falcon 9 v.1.2 Alba Orbital UG Engineering  
489 Unicorn 2A,   2022-002? 2022/1/13 Falcon 9 v.1.2 Alba Orbital UG Engineering  
490 Unicorn 2D   2022-002BA 2022/1/13 Falcon 9 v.1.2 Alba Orbital UG Engineering  
491 Unicorn 2E   2022-002? 2022/1/13 Falcon 9 v.1.2 Alba Orbital UG Engineering  
492 ETV-A1   2022-002CE 2022/1/13 Falcon 9 V1.2 Sen Engineering  
493 SteamSat 2   2022-003G 2022/1/13 LauncherOne SteamJet Space Systems Engineering  
494-527 OneWeb L13 1-34   2022-012A〜
2022/2/10 Soyuz STB Fregat M OneWeb Communications  
528 Unicorn 2   2022-047? 2022/5/2 Electron KS(R) Alba Orbital Engineering  
529-564 OneWeb L14 1-36   2022-138A〜
2022/10/22 GSLV Mk3(2) OneWeb Communications  
565-604 OneWeb L15 1-40   2022-166A〜
2022/12/8 Falcon 9 V1.2 OneWeb Communications  
605 O3b mPower 1   2022-174A 2022/12/17 Falcon 9 V1.2 O3b Networks Communications  
606 O3b mPower 2   2022-174B 2022/12/17 Falcon 9 V1.2 O3b Networks Communications  
607 Guardian Alpha   2023-001* 2023/1/3 Falcon 9 V1.2 OrbAstro Engineering  
- Unicorn 2G   2023-001* 2023/1/3 Falcon 9 V1.2 Alba Orbital Engineering Failed to deploy
- Unicorn 2H   2023-001* 2023/1/3 Falcon 9 V1.2 Alba Orbital Engineering Failed to deploy
608-647 OneWeb L16 1-40   2023-004A〜
2023/1/10 Falcon 9 V1.2 OneWeb Communications  
648-687 OneWeb L17 1-40   2023-029A〜
2023/3/9 Falcon 9 V1.2 OneWeb Communications  
688-723 OneWeb L18 1-36   2023-043A〜
2023/3/26 GSLV Mk3(2) OneWeb Communications  
724 EPICHyper 1   2023-054AZ 2023/4/15 Falcon 9 v.1.2 Lacuna Space Engineering  
725 O3b mPower 3   2023-059A 2023/4/28 Falcon 9 V1.2 O3b Networks Communications  
726 O3b mPower 4   2023-059B 2023/4/28 Falcon 9 V1.2 O3b Networks Communications  
727 -742 OneWeb L19 1-16   2023-068A-
2023/5/20 Falcon 9 v.1.2 OneWeb Communications  
743 HOTSAT 1   2023-084Y 2023/6/12 Falcon 9 v.1.2 Satellite Vu Engineering  
744 EPICHyper 2   2023-084BX 2023/6/12 Falcon 9 v.1.2 ARCClyde Engineering  
745 Unicorn 2I   2023-084* 2023/6/12 Falcon 9 v.1.2 Alba Orbital Engineering  
746 ORB-12 Strider   2023-109C 2023/7/30 PSLV-CA(2) OrbAstro Engineering  
747 EPICHyper 3   2023-174DH 2023/11/11 Falcon 9 v.1.2 ARCClyde Engineering  
748 Unicorn 2J   2023-174CX 2023/11/11 Falcon 9 v.1.2 Alba Orbital Engineering  
749 Unicorn 2K   2023-174DA 2023/11/11 Falcon 9 v.1.2 Alba Orbital Engineering  
750 O3b mPower 5   2023-0175A 2023/11/12 Falcon 9 V1.2 O3b Networks Communications  
751 O3b mPower 6   2023-0175B 2023/11/12 Falcon 9 V1.2 O3b Networks Communications  
752 Unicorn 2L   2023-185* 2023/12/1 Falcon 9 v.1.2 Alba Orbital Engineering  
753 Unicorn 2M   2023-185* 2023/12/1 Falcon 9 v.1.2 Alba Orbital Engineering  
754 Unicorn 2N   2023-185N 2023/12/1 Falcon 9 v.1.2 Alba Orbital Engineering  
755 HAMMER   2024-043 2024/3/4 Falcon 9 v1.2 Catapult Engineering  
756 Tyche   2024-149AE 2024/8/16 Falcon 9 v1.2 UK Space Company Engineering  
757-776 OneWeb L20 1-20   2024-188A〜V 2024/10/20 Falcon 9 v.1.2 OneWeb Communications  
777 O3b mPower 7   2024-244 2024/12/17 Falcon 9 V1.2 O3b Networks Communications  
778 O3b mPower 8   2024-244 2024/12/17 Falcon 9 V1.2 O3b Networks Communications  
Planned Launch              
Carbonite 3   20XX   TBD SSTL Engineering  
Carbonite 4   20XX   TBD SSTL Engineering