Satellite Earth Stations in Africa (Former French)

Satellite Earth Station in Algeria

(Algeria, 1975, SC#544)

Abomey Calavi Satellite Earth Station in Benin

(Benin, 1984, SC#571)

Satellite Earth Station in Brukina Faso(former Upper Volta)

(Upper Volta, 1979, SC#492)

Zamengoe Satellite Earth Station in Cameroun

(Cameroun, 1973, SC#C207)

Goonhilly Downs Satellite Earth Station in Chad

(Chad, 198, SC#512)

Image of Satellite Earth Station in Central Africa

(Central Africa, 1978, SC#333)

Moungouni Satellite Earth Station in Congo People's Republic

(Congo, 1980, SC#573)

Satellite Earth Station in Djibouti

(Djibouti, 1982, SC#C165)

Satellite Earth Station in Gabon

(Gabon, 1985, SC#589)

Akakro Satellite Earth Station in Ivory Coast

(Ivory Coast, 1972, SC#C54)

Philibert Tsiranana Standard A Satellite Earth Station in Malagasy (Madagascar)

(Malagasy, 1972, SC#465)

Satellite Earth Station in Mali

(Mali, 1983, SC#475)

Toujounine Satellite Earth Station in Mauritania

(Mauritania, 1986, SC#596)

Souk El Arba Satellite Earth Station in Morocco

(Morocco, 1970, SC#232)

Goudel Satellite Earth Station in Niger

(Niger, 1978, SC#437)

Gandoul Satellite Earth Station in Senegal

(Senegal, 1973, SC#387)

Satellite Earth Station and Syncom Satellite

(Togo, 1965, SC#520)

Satellite Earth Station in Tunisia

(Tunisia, 1984, SC#859)

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