Satellite Earth Stations in Africa(Former British)

Satellite Earth Station in Ghana

(Ghana, 1983, SC#836)

Longonot Satellite Earth Station in Kenya

(Kenya, 1981, SC#185)

Ha Sophonia Satellite Earth Station in Lesotho

(Lesotho, 1985, SC#493)

Kanjedza Standard A Satellite Earth Station in Malawi

The diameter of Standard A Antenna is 30 meters
(Malawi, 1981, SC#382)

Kanjedza Standard B Satellite Earth Station in Malawi

The diameter of Standard B Antenna is 11 meters

(Malawi, 1981, SC#384)

Satellite Earth Station in Mauritious

(Mauritious, 1983, SC#564)

Lanlate Satellite Earth Station in Nigeria

(Nigeria, 1971, SC#274)

Bon Espea Satellite Earth Station in Seyschell

(Seyschell, 1983, SC#508)

Two Earth Stations and INTELSAT 4

One station faces Indian Ocean Satellite, while the other station faces Atrantic Ocean Satellite

(South Africa, 1967, SC#455)

Satellite Earth Station in Sudan

(Sudan, 1976, SC#289)

Mwenge Satellite Earth Station in Tanzania

(Tanzania, 1979, SC#132)

Mpoma Satellite Earth Station in Uganda

(Uganda, 1982, SC#337)

Mwembeshi Satellite Earth Station in Zambia

(Zambia, 1974, SC#134)

Mazowe Satellite Earth Station in Zimbabwe

(Zimbabwe, 1985, SC#492)

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