Apollo 11 JAPANESE

Apollo 11

The description of this stamp is quite curious!
Why is this said "STUDY OF THE SUN"?

It had been alterd with SOHO Stamp,

See SOHO Stamp
Apollo 11

Landing on the Moon

Foot print on the Moon

Apollo 11

Micronesia:20th anniversary of Moon Landing

Apollo Lander on the Moon

(Micronesia, 1989, SC#82)

Apollo 11

Astronauts aboarded on Apollo 11 N.Armstrong、M.Collins、E.W.Aldrin。


Apollo 11 (1) Armstrong

(Dominica, 1970, SC#291)

Apollo 11 (2) National Flag & astronauts on the Moon

(Dominica, 1970, SC#292)

Apollo 11 (3) Astronauts gathering sample of Moon legorith

(Dominica, 1970, SC#293)

Apollo 11 (4) Landing Module

(Dominica, 1970, SC#294)

Apollo 11 (5) Memorial Plate left on the Moon

(Dominica, 1970, SC#295)

Apollo 11 (6) Three astronauts

(Dominica, 1970, SC#296)

South Korea:Apllo program

Second stage separation of Saturn 5 launch Vehicle

(South Korea, 1969, SC#659)

Third stage separation of Saturn 5 launch Vehicle

(South Korea, 1969, SC#660)

Moon orbiting of Apollo Command Module

(South Korea, 1969, SC#661)

Exploration on the Moon

(South Korea, 1969, SC#662)

Return to Earth

(South Korea, 1969, SC#663)

South Korea: US Bicentenial

Man on the Moon

(South Korea, 1976, SC#1038)

Cook Is.(10th Anniversary of Apollo 11)

Emblem of Apollo 11


Astronauts and map of moon

(Cook Islands,1979,SC#533)

Walk around on the Moon

(Cook Islands,1979,SC#534)


(Cook Islands,1979,SC#535)

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