Aitutaki (New Zealand)

(1)1985 Christmas

Painting of Giotto

(Aitutaki, 1985, SC#382-383)

Painting of Giotto (Different value)

(Aitutaki, 1985, SC#384-385)

(2)Halley's Comet

The Comet Inflicting Untold Disasters, 1456, Lucerne Chronicles

@(Aututaki, 1986, SC#389j

Upper Right:Halley's CometĪ A.D.684, wood engraving, Nuremberg Chronicles
Lower Left:Sighting of 1066, Bayeux Tapestry
Lower Right:The Comet Inflicting Untold Disasters, 1456, Lucerne Chronicles

Upper Left:Label

(Aitutaki, 1986, SC#390)

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